11 cities and 235km for Matchis with Amgen

Frank Leeuwenburg

( Lid van team: Team Amgen  )

van totaal € 500 (184%)
0 m Afgelegd
Mijn doel 235 km | Bereikt 0%

Next to fundraising, I hope to raise more awareness in my network on the need for additional donors, especially young male stem cell donors between the ages of 18 and 35. These donors are underrepresented among the registrations but research shows that the patient has a better chance of a cure with their stem cells. More (male) stem cell donors means many more matches, so more lives can be saved!

€ 250 opgehaald

€ 500 opgehaald

€ 1.000 opgehaald

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10 donaties ontvangen

25 donaties ontvangen

50 donaties ontvangen

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€ 20 10-09-2023 | 23:14
€ 50 10-09-2023 | 22:56
€ 40 08-09-2023 | 08:49
€ 10 08-09-2023 | 07:07
€ 10 07-09-2023 | 16:08